Planning for the Summit is being underwritten with a grant from the Lillian Goldman Charitable Trust
Our 2023 Sponsors
We are lucky to be supported by so many amazing organizations!
Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation
Iowa Water Center - Iowa State University
Raccoon River Watershed Association
Dallas County Soil & Water Conservation
Lakeside Lab - University of Iowa
Iowa Interfaith Power and Light
Izaak Walton League - Panora Chapter
Hydroscience & Engineering and Iowa Flood Center - University of Iowa
Center for Prairie Studies- Grinnell College
Conservation Districts of Iowa
Center for Energy & Environmental Education - University of Northern Iowa
Iowa County Conservation System
Cultivating Compassion: The Dr. Richard Deming Foundation
The Nature Conservancy of Iowa
Wildlife Club at William Penn University
School of the Wild - University of Iowa
Story County Conservation Alliance
Watershed Management Authorities of Iowa
National Wild Turkey Federation - Iowa Chapter
Friends of Ada Hayden Heritage Park
Polk County Conservation Board
Women, Food and Agriculture Network